Thursday 8 October 2009

Bob/ Nathan and his new arms....

Outline/ theme

Armless boy hits puberty. Loooks in the mirror. Sees his gonads are huge from not being able to 'itch that itch.' Wishes he was born with arms. Verbally says something to himself in the mirror OR has a flashback? Looks out of the window. Sees his new neighbour moving in, unpacking boxes on the front lawn. He comes over with excitement that he has never experienced before. His new neighbour is a 'hot' wag type woman...

Gets an urge to itch that itch. Decides to order prosthetic arms off the internet with his toes. The new arms are the latest model: TX500. This model boosts to go 'where no man or arm has gone before....
Arms arrive. Boy takes arms out of the packaging with his feet and put them on the battery charger to charge them up. Bolt of lighting hits the battery charger cable. Arms come alive. Arms take on a life of their own; develop a personality of their own. Boy unaware of this put his new arms on with his toes...

Arms drag boy out-to where his neighbour is still unpacking boxes for her new home-and molest his new neighbour. Boy is dying of embarrassment but can't do neighbour is not impressed. Knocks him out (she is a secret black belt). Arms detach from boy, wander off into the sunset. Boy is left lying on the front lawn of his new neighbour's home. Bird flies in, lands on his gonads. Bird, thinking the gnoads are apples, pecks at them. Boy 'feels' the sensation, gets so excited his balls explode-BOOM!


  1. i really like your story it always makes me laugh and its good to see your character designs are coming along nicely!

  2. thanks Emma...makes me laugh too! all i can say is my film is going to be 'ballistic!.'
    still doing my character designs...thanks for saying their coming along nicely:-).
